Wednesday, August 08, 2007

RE: HMB Class of 87

We have just returned from a wonderful trip to Mozambique see our blog


We now have to get some final numbers to the school:


Please let me know who is able to make the weekend!!!!!!


Anreisetag: 31 August 2007 in the afternoon – Dress Code Volleschultracht


Friday night - happy hour and dinner at the church hall hosted by congregation and open to all (Cost estimate R35.00)


Abreise: Sunday after lunch.


Cost estimate for weekend meals and accommodation per adult: R320 – R350 depending how much you break - meals included.


Bring your own cooler box and glasses and drinks.


P L E A S E  L E T  M E  K N O W  W H O  I S  I N!



082 465 3839
