Monday, July 17, 2006

20 year classreunion - HMB Class of 87

Hi Guys

It has nearly been 20 years and it is now time to plan our 20 year class reunion.

To find a date that suits everyone will be impossible, but I want to start the discussion so long - therefore I am suggesting the weekend of the 3rd - 5th August 2007. I believe it should be at Hermannsburg.

This weekend is not a long/free weekend, so there will be some scholars on campus. I don't think this matters too much as we will be accomodated in one of the junior hostel.

I will try to keep you updated by means of this blog. Please feel free to send me anything that you want posted on this blog.

PLEASE all of you - send me a Lebenslauf with photo's to be posted here as well - thanks to all those who responded so enthusiastically.

Please contact me on for more details.