Elke Brown
Married to Steven Brown (since 14th July 2000) who has 1 daughter (Laura, 13)
Names and ages of kids: Charlie Brown (don’t know if boy/girl) 29 weeks - due end November, my first one and first grandchild to my parents!!
Years in HMB: 1985-June 1986
Other interesting happenings: Working as Assistant QS for Edmund Nuttall in Crawley. Several SAns here!
Studied Computer Data Processing at P-Town Tech in 1988
and Civil Engineering at Natal Tech, graduating in 2000.
Currently contemplating doing a BSc in QS-ing
Wohnort: Scaynes Hill, West Sussex, England
What else??
Hobby's Going to France for lunch
all crafts
watching bike races and Formula 1 (FINALLY have a new favourite since Alain Prost, namely Jenson Button, mainly cos he looks like my boet!)