Heidi Hecht- Wendt
Hermannsburg from 1993 till 1987
I left Hermannsburg to go to Pietermaritzburg, to the Technical Collage where I did a secretarial course in Tourism and Hotel Management. After 6 months I received a letter telling me I can start at Grey’s Hospital. (My application was sent off in Standard 9!!!) Had a lot of fun at Grey’s! My father was then transferred to the Durban- North SABC branch, so I really had my own space in PMB. Spent my time- off, in Durban.
1991 I left South- Africa to go to Germany for a year…(am still away for that year). I first stayed in Mühldorf/ Inn near München. Then I got a job in Hamburg looking after 2 Kids. This I did for 6 months. Flew home after that, only to realize that I missed Europe! So, flew back in April to Germany. I started working in Lüneburg Hospital where I had to redo my exams, so it was off to a further 2 Years of learning…in German!!! Well, managed that and passed all my exams, and let me tell you the system is so different here! Here to pass an exam you need to pass 3 exams! (Practical exam, written exam, and an oral exam!!! The oral was the worst! There is a group of examiners there all bombarding you with questions!) I then went into Theatre.I was in Lüneburg Theatre for 3 years where I did general surgery.
Left Lüneburg to go to Lübeck, where I worked in Theatre for 2 Years. This was a neurosurgical Theatre. This was very interesting, just had too many motorbike accident and kids in car accidents, so it was time to move on.
Leaving Lübeck, I then left to go to London for a year. I moved in with my sister Monika, who was living in a flat with her boy- friend and my brother Werner. I was working at the different shows in England, I was a manager for a firm who sold there products at the different Shows. For Christmas I flew home and spent 4 months on holidays!
1999 I flew back to Germany, to Lüneburg. So for all that know me it is time to move on again! I have applied to go to do Humanitarian work in crises areas. Now I’m just waiting for my introduction courses, and then hopefully I’ll be off soon!For hobbies I don’t get much time as I am always on the go. Monika is married and lives in London. She has a daughter, Aimee. I try fly out at as often as I can. This is a photo of Aimee and me.
If I’m not in London, then I’m off to South- Africa. I also enjoy going on holiday on the Canaries Islands.
My brother is married to a girl from New- Zealand, and has emigrated. One of my next stop will have to be New- Zealand.
November/ December 2007 I plan to be in South- Africa. Would be nice to meet- up, with everyone that will be in SA, in November / December. I will not be able to come sooner to the reunion, as it is not a good time to fly out to South- Africa from here. Hope to see photo’s of the reunion!